Check in from 15:00 - 19:00 h - Check out from 08:00 - 10:00 h
In case of late arrival please write information in the field remark while filling out the form for submitting queries, or inform us by e-mail or telephone.
LATE ARRIVAL / CHECK-IN - for arrivals later than 21:00h (max. at 00:00), you will be charged 20 EUR for the late arrival fee.
Bed linen, bathroom towels and kitchen towels are provided, and will be changed once a week.
For occupancy under 4 nights the price is 30% higher
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellation up to 30 days before arrival → full refund except the service fee (25 EUR)
Cancellation 7-30 days before arrival → the agency retains 30% of the total amount + service fee